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Nike San Francisco Giants MLB 2012 Full Zip Track Jacket - Black

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You're a big San Fran fan alright, but you don't buy every piece of Giants gear that comes out - it's got to inspire you. You have to be able to picture yourself wearing it and be happy with that picture! So, picture this - you're walking into AT&T Park in your Nike MLB 2012 Track Jacket, the tackle twill San Francisco lettering and logo is catching the beautiful sunshine (and the eyes of the ladies) and even though there's a chill in the air, you're toasty warm and looking even hotter! How is that grabbing you? Thought so! With this updated track jacket, you'll have the stylish team-spirited look you crave!

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T-Shirts - San Francisco Giants
Jerseys - San Francisco Giants
Hats & Caps - San Francisco Giants
Jackets - San Francisco Giants

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